And now - one week of holiday per me. It quickly passed. Not even watched and boom - next Saturday. Now the total days of week are not more important to me. Mostly I don't even know what day it is because I don't need it to do anything. I live just a blissfully unaware of each day. This is cool and even pleasant.
You get up in the morning, you don't have to think what day it's and even what time - it does not matter. This is a vacation - day and time don't play any role.
The past week has not passed me doing nothing - I rode books, various photographic guides etc. In all of this a vacation that during their lifetime to develop myself passions and interests.
And what's more to write ? Outside it became cool. It is warm but not hot, a nice cool breeze blowing.
I slowly sleeps the Matura marathon. In a few days should already be all ok.
I już - jeden tydzień wakacji za mną. Szybko to minęło. Nawet się nie obejrzałam i bęc - kolejna sobota. Teraz w sumie dni tygodnia nie mają dla mnie większego znaczenia. W większości nie wiem nawet jaki jest dzień, bo nie jest mi to do niczego potrzebne. Żyję sobie w błogiej nieświadomości dnia powszedniego. Fajne to jest, a nawet przyjemne.
Wstajesz sobie rano, nie musisz myśleć jaki jest dzień, a nawet jaka godzina - to nieważne. Są wakacje - dzień i godzina nie grają tu żadnej roli.
Mijający tydzień nie minął mi na nic nie robieniu - czytałam książki, różnego rodzaju poradniki fotograficzne etc. W sumie od tego są wakacje, żeby w czasie ich trwania rozwijać swoje pasje i zainteresowania.
I co tu więcej napisać? Na zewnątrz zrobiło się fajnie. Jest ciepło, ale nie upalnie, wieje przyjemny, chłodny wiaterek.
Pomału odsypiam maturalny maraton. Za kilka dni powinno być wszystko ok.
* * *
Photo for today: small kitty collage
I'm back !
Published :
3:23 PM
Author :
Yes, I'm alive. After three weeks Matura marathon I just recovering. Sleepness nights yet I could not sleep longer but everything before me. Finally I have 4,5 months of holiday.
All exams went good (I think) - now a well deserved rest. I slowly begin to feel holiday. Help me in it this heat that dominates outside (something I feel that looks to be thunderstorm).
Now I could read all books which during the school year I didn't have time. At present I read a biography a Steve Jobs. He is an amazing person. Without him we don't have computers nowadays and other technological solutions. Pity that he is gone between us. But he certainly left a lot. His contribution to history is enormous.
It's nice to have vacation, get up at what time you want (I have not yet experienced, unfortunately), do what do you want, be able to read books, take pictures and don't ever have to look at my watch and to compete with the passage of time.
Finally I did cleaning. I finished it just yesterday and I did it from Saturday. But now my room has become like a bigger, broader and clearer. Everywhere there is more space, cupboards are almost empty and waiting for new books, textbooks and exercise books which (I hope) will appear in October (please, let it be this year and not next year).
I did the cleaning in the basement, which during all the years of my teaching has become like sheds of all notebooks, textbooks and other school stuff. During these cleanup also I did a lot of photos, but not cleaning, only other interesting things and events. Photographic effect exceeded my expectations - photos came out great !
Hmm, what else to say ? I don't know...
Outside it got dark, the wind blows...maybe it will be a thunderstorm?
Short period of time I'm also present here: tumblr
If you like me/my pictures I invite you to visit this site :)
Today I bought a remote control to my SLR. In total it's a remote control connected with antinous release - such 2 in 1. We'll see how it will be held. I can't wait to arrive me.
* * *
Photo for today: it's hot, maybe something stormy ?
More photos =>
All exams went good (I think) - now a well deserved rest. I slowly begin to feel holiday. Help me in it this heat that dominates outside (something I feel that looks to be thunderstorm).
Now I could read all books which during the school year I didn't have time. At present I read a biography a Steve Jobs. He is an amazing person. Without him we don't have computers nowadays and other technological solutions. Pity that he is gone between us. But he certainly left a lot. His contribution to history is enormous.
It's nice to have vacation, get up at what time you want (I have not yet experienced, unfortunately), do what do you want, be able to read books, take pictures and don't ever have to look at my watch and to compete with the passage of time.
Finally I did cleaning. I finished it just yesterday and I did it from Saturday. But now my room has become like a bigger, broader and clearer. Everywhere there is more space, cupboards are almost empty and waiting for new books, textbooks and exercise books which (I hope) will appear in October (please, let it be this year and not next year).
I did the cleaning in the basement, which during all the years of my teaching has become like sheds of all notebooks, textbooks and other school stuff. During these cleanup also I did a lot of photos, but not cleaning, only other interesting things and events. Photographic effect exceeded my expectations - photos came out great !
Hmm, what else to say ? I don't know...
Outside it got dark, the wind blows...maybe it will be a thunderstorm?
Short period of time I'm also present here: tumblr
If you like me/my pictures I invite you to visit this site :)
Today I bought a remote control to my SLR. In total it's a remote control connected with antinous release - such 2 in 1. We'll see how it will be held. I can't wait to arrive me.
* * *
Photo for today: it's hot, maybe something stormy ?
More photos =>
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- fotografka
- Poland
- Do tej pory jedyną działalnością, którą zajmowałam się w sieci była fotografia. W końcu nadszedł ten dzień, aby fotografię połączyć z moją drugą pasją - kosmetykami. Wiem, że na początku może być trudno, ale mam nadzieję, że dzięki ciężkiej pracy i wsparciu czytelników blogowanie stanie się dla mnie nieodzowną częścią życia :) * * * Young artist who can't imagine life without photography ♥
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